In-Sight Publishing
Born to do Math 27 - LSD for 4 Times (Part 3)
Born to do Math 27 - LSD for 4 Times (Part 3)
Scott Douglas Jacobsen & Rick Rosner
April 3, 2017
[Beginning of recorded material]
Rick Rosner: I’m trying to talk to the janitor and keep my shit
together and explain that I must’ve fallen asleep! But he is all lizardy and
saying words to me, and I don’t understand them.
[Impression of non-word
words by Rick Rosner.]
Scott Douglas Jacobsen: So that can happen. But that
implies the information processing. That leads to three things: definite
states, computers, and how the universe is not like that as an associative
structure as a map of information and how that might imply a new set theory.
RR: I don’t
know if it is a new set theory.
SDJ: Adapted.
RR: We’ll
have to talk about the different forms of information that the universe might
encode or might be incorporated into the universe. And at some point, we might
have some yes-no/0-1 situations. For instance, one way that the universe
contains information is via the clustering of matter. And much of the
clustering of matter, and all of the large-scale clustering of matter is
gravitation, but the way that gravitational clustering is locked-in—
Before we were taping, you
were talking about a slingshot maneuver. Where you can shoot a satellite at
Jupiter or something, and the satellite whips around Jupiter and receives a
boosts by moving in a hyperboloid, hyperbolic, trajectory around Jupiter. In a
slingshot deal, the satellite is only temporarily close to Jupiter and having
its trajectory changed hugely by Jupiter.
[End of recorded material]

Rick Rosner
American Television Writer
Rick Rosner

Scott Douglas Jacobsen
Editor-in-Chief, In-Sight Publishing
In-Sight Publishing
[1] Four format points for the session article:- Bold text following “Scott Douglas Jacobsen:” or “Jacobsen:” is Scott Douglas Jacobsen & non-bold text following “Rick Rosner:” or “Rosner:” is Rick Rosner.
- Session article conducted, transcribed, edited, formatted, and published by Scott.
- Footnotes & in-text citations in the interview & references after the interview.
- This session article has been edited for clarity and readability.
- American Psychological Association. (2010). Citation Guide: APA. Retrieved from
- Humble, A. (n.d.). Guide to Transcribing. Retrieved from
In-Sight Publishing and In-Sight: Independent Interview-Based Journal by Scott Douglas Jacobsen is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
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© Scott Douglas Jacobsen, Rick Rosner, and In-Sight Publishing and In-Sight: Independent Interview-Based Journal 2012-2017. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Scott Douglas Jacobsen, Rick Rosner, and In-Sight Publishing and In-Sight: Independent Interview-Based Journal with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
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