Born to do Math 62 – Feynman, Sum Above All
Scott Douglas Jacobsen & Rick Rosner
May 22, 2017
[Beginning of recorded material]
Rick Rosner: But
that doesn’t mean that you have to see everything through the lens of multi-worlds
theory. There are probably other theories that have a similar deal. String
Theory may become a more powerful tool for describing the world, but, right
now, it hasn’t delivered enough specific predictions to be very useful.
But at some point in the future, String Theory could be
worked out so that it might be a framework that is helpful in certain
instances. Feynman, there’s a Sum Over Histories principle that says particles
take very possible path between point A and point B.
That is a helpful framework for doing certain quantum tasks.
But it is not something—if you’re sufficiently trained in quantum mechanics,
you may have this in the back of your mind, but you don’t need the Sum Over
Histories principle to do quantum mechanics.
None of which gets to the question of why we exist rather
than not, and the reason for the ways we exist. That is, 3 spatial dimensions,
roughly with an asterisk and that asterisk being quantum effects at small scales,
and the curvature of space at huge scales.
One temporal dimension too.
[End of recorded material]

Rick Rosner
American Television Writer
Rick Rosner

Scott Douglas Jacobsen
Editor-in-Chief, In-Sight Publishing
In-Sight Publishing
[1] Four format points for the session article:- Bold text following “Scott Douglas Jacobsen:” or “Jacobsen:” is Scott Douglas Jacobsen & non-bold text following “Rick Rosner:” or “Rosner:” is Rick Rosner.
- Session article conducted, transcribed, edited, formatted, and published by Scott.
- Footnotes & in-text citations in the interview & references after the interview.
- This session article has been edited for clarity and readability.
- American Psychological Association. (2010). Citation Guide: APA. Retrieved from
- Humble, A. (n.d.). Guide to Transcribing. Retrieved from
In-Sight Publishing and In-Sight: Independent Interview-Based Journal by Scott Douglas Jacobsen is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
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© Scott Douglas Jacobsen, Rick Rosner, and In-Sight Publishing and In-Sight: Independent Interview-Based Journal 2012-2017. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Scott Douglas Jacobsen, Rick Rosner, and In-Sight Publishing and In-Sight: Independent Interview-Based Journal with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
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